
424 - Alocasia Gigante
In up to 11 installments of €0,52
422 - Cheflera
In up to 11 installments of €0,52
300 - Espirradeira P (9cm)
In up to 11 installments of €0,52
Kit Begonia Rex Macarena
€11,92 €11,02
In up to 12 installments of €1,12
64 - Stencil Pétala Rosa Big
In up to 11 installments of €0,52
807 - Orquídea Paphiopedilum P 9cm
In up to 11 installments of €0,52
381/2 - Hibisco Gigante 50cm
In up to 12 installments of €0,68
471 - Miniatura Begonia Tiger
In up to 5 installments of €0,55
BC 67 - Costela de Adão
In up to 7 installments of €0,55
164 - Lírio Amazonas/ Narciso
In up to 11 installments of €0,52
Corante Azul Céu (029) - Cor & Luz
In up to 4 installments of €0,56
BC 450 - Coléus Coração Magoado
In up to 7 installments of €0,55
513 - Orquídea Rhynchostele Bictoniense...
In up to 11 installments of €0,52
508 - Cattleya Penny M (12cm)
In up to 11 installments of €0,52
396 - Miniatura Petúnia
In up to 5 installments of €0,55
275 - Stencil Miniatura Begônia Caracol
In up to 5 installments of €0,55
BC 583 - Caladium Paixão
In up to 7 installments of €0,55
BC 576 - Hosta don Stevens
In up to 7 installments of €0,55
416 - Caladium Bicolor Grande
In up to 11 installments of €0,52
170 - Begônia Caracol
In up to 11 installments of €0,52
799 - Orq. Denphal P 9cm
In up to 11 installments of €0,52
521 - Orquídea Phalaenopsis Schillerrian...
In up to 11 installments of €0,52
401 - Coração Magoado Gigante
In up to 11 installments of €0,52
350 - Lanterna Chinesa M
In up to 11 installments of €0,52